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Jerry Cantrell Astounds & Overcomes in Nashville

Jerry Cantrell performing in Nashville at the Ryman Auditorium

Since the early 90’s Jerry Cantrell has been writing music and playing guitar. However, Cantrell is more than any other singer/songwriter/guitarist. He’s the co-founder and lead guitarist from Alice In Chains and future Rock & Roll Hall Of Famers. With a voice that is synonymous with the perpetual movement of grunge and riffs that can stop anyone in their tracks, Jerry Cantrell is not to be missed in any capacity. Be it his continued career touring and recording with Alice In Chains or his solo career, you do not want to miss it. With that said, Cantrell enlisted the help of Greg Puciato (Dillinger Escape Plan) to accompany him on vocals for the Brighten Tour.

Cantrell has released several solo records since 1998, however it was just shy of 20 years since his last solo effort. Gifting us all the incredible workings that is now called ‘Brighten’. Released October 29th of 2021, featuring the two hit singles “Atone” and the self titled track “Brighten”. Cantrell has been carefully curating these songs and now that live music is becoming more of a reality, it is time to bring the legend to Nashville and play a memorable show at the historical Ryman Auditorium.

Lola Colette performing in Nashville

Opening the show up would be a pure rock & roll queen in the making, Lola Colette. This LA based singer/songwriter had a lot to say with the voice that definitely blew me away. Colette and her band made it clear early on that we’d be seeing much more from them in the near future. Listening to her address the crowd and introduce each member of her band was something that stood out for me as it’s lost on many people that you need to remember it’s a “we” show and not a “me” show. The chemistry was all there as was the talent. Colette’s set was intrinsic and mesmerizing to witness from such a young starlet. I look forward to hearing and seeing more from her in the future. As the act had closed and began breaking down their gear on stage, they were greeted by the man of the hour himself, Jerry Cantrell. Cantrell came out to pay his respects to each member of Lola Colette’s band, throwing a warm hug around her neck and showing what a real legend is made of by thanking her for opening the tour for him. This was also Colette’s final performance on the Brighten Tour.

After displaying true gratitude and thanking his opening act, it was time for Jerry Cantrell to perform. The ambiance was set as the lights lowered and a tone like only Cantrell could display reverberated throughout the halls of the historic Ryman Auditorium. Blue lights, dark shadows, ominous tonalities humming, one-by-one each member of Cantrell’s band took to the stage with the crowd getting more and more excited by the number. The music pauses, lights go up and Jerry Cantrell steps to the front of the stage and began playing his newest single ‘Atone’ off his record Brighten.

The band had recently been going through some recent illness due to Covid rocking the touring party. Cantrell mentioned that Nashville would have to carry him over the finish line. Fans did not let him down, nor did the band and Mr. Cantrell himself put on a staggering display of resolve by how he played and the purpose in which he played. It was truly captivating to see. Jerry Cantrell was also joined on stage by his touring vocalist Greg Puciato, a man who is no stranger to shows of this caliber. Puciato compliments Cantrell in a way that can only be experienced in this kind of live capacity!

No stone was left unturned as Cantrell made his way through a mammoth set list that included several AIC hits as well as his own solo works. If you are a fan of his and Alice In Chains, you need to buy tickets to this tour before time runs out. Go see your heroes play live, don’t wait to see them. Live music is an amazing and spiritual experience and life is too short to miss out.

Photo Gallery: Jerry Cantrell (All photography by Brandon Scott Hanks)

Photo Gallery: Lola Colette (All photography by Brandon Scott Hanks)

Photo Gallery: Nashville Sites (All photography by Brandon Scott Hanks)


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Alive N Loud, Charlie Meister

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